Barefooted Quaker

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Traditional. The name seems to be a reference to George Fox’s shoeless denunciation of Lichfield in 1651.


Barefooted Quaker Practice (2019)


There is a figure after the rounds.

Doubling up is same pacing as back to back, but in pairs.


Step in line: Outside foot–Four doublesteps in place, galley out, two capers to face down. Four doublesteps, hitch to galley out, two capers to re-form set.

Crossing over: Two double steps across (pass right shoulder), hold in place for two double steps, galley up/ditto coming back, galley down.

Back to back: one double step across to other side of set and hook around. Second double step in place (in a line), third double step backwards (everyone forms a line in the middle of the set), fourth double step in place, swing back to finish/ditto second half, passing left shoulder.

Rounds for four: Two double steps clockwise to opposite side of circle, face corner for two double steps in place, two double steps counter clockwise to close circle, hold in place for two double steps, and spiral outback to place with pull down at end of figure.

Doubling up: One doublestep to opposite pairs places and hook around (passing right shoulder), second double step hold in place, third doublestep backwards (to two horizontal lines), fourth doublestep hold in place, swing back to finish. Ditto second half, passing left shoulder.


First corners: traveling open sidestep with show forward (lead with right foot, show into the middle, travel around partner by right shoulder, do same step traveling backwards to place)/ditto second corners/two Lichfield capers and galley right to finish.


Finale, finish facing up.


Lead in: Once to self
Sequence: A 𝄆 AAB- 𝄇
Song: Black Joke (in the key of G)

Figures for For Eight

  • step in line
  • crossing over
  • back to back
  • rounds for four
  • doubling up