

Created late at night at Windham’s 2019 retreat, inspired by the connection between the song and the figures of Charrington Toby. The choreography included the moment when Arthur Davis, who everyone thought was asleep, offered a critical suggestion: “Two Scissor Capers!”


Video 1 (2019)

Video 2 (2019)

Inspiration (2015)


Numbers are min:sec on track

[1st video add 0:20 time]

Swagger on

Form line, swagger in place (0:08 ignore start of singing) until word “go”

Fig. 1: line, Lichfields, scissors

0:17 “go” Lichfields 1 -> 5 down line (stand in place while note capering)

0:34 “1-2-3” center scissor (stand in place while note capering)

0:37 “’cause I’m” middles scissor

0:41 “1-2-3” ends scissor

0:44 “always wanna” Galley R

Chorus 1: V, scissors

0:48 “Xs” 4 doublesteps into V

0:56 “want” 2 closed sidesteps

0:57 “they” 4swingbacks

1:00 “Xs” all scissors x2

Fig. 2: line, Lichfields, snaps

1:09 “had a” 6 open sidesteps back to line starting on right

1:19 “by” Lichfields 1 -> 5 down line (stand in place while not capering)

1:36 “1-2-3” snaps 1 -> 5 quick, galley L (snap as usual before galley)

1:43 “1-2-3” snaps 5 -> 1, galley R (snap as usual before galley)

Chorus 2: X, scissors

1:50 “xs” 4 doublesteps into X

2 closed sidesteps

4 swingbacks

2:02 “xs” all scissors x2

4 open stide steps starting on right back to line

[2nd video add 2:14 to time]

2:18 “os” freeform swagger ‘round

Start returning to evenly spaced clump as guitar solo surges, turn around as solo concludes

Fig. 3: O, doublestep/sidestep/swingback

2:31 “1-2-3” 4 doublesteps to outward circle

2:34 “1-2-3” 2 closed sidesteps

2:42 “me/always” 4 swingbacks into small circle

2:44 “my xs” 4 doublestep back out to circle

2:50 “they want” 2 closed sidesteps

2:55 “a-a-all they” 4 swingbacks into small circle

Chorus 3: O, Castlering

2:59 “xs” 4 doublesteps back out to circle

3:05 “they want” 2 closed sidesteps

3:09 “they won’t” all Castlering, swing it x5


Margin notes:

Sounds a bit like “16 Tons”

Hobby pig (with wings)

Margin notes I can’t decipher:

20 measures byy 5


3 dancers & 2 invincibles