Nutting Girl


Adapted from the dance of the same name from other traditions.

Double Jig for 2 or more dancers. Description below is for 2 dancers; for more dancers, one or both dancers are replaced with a group.

Structure (Short Version)

Main Idea: Each figure and chorus is danced twice, once by each dancer. Before each figure and chorus, dancers prepare to enter with 4 Swingbacks. After each figure, dancers “leave” by walking down while the other dancer enters.

Figure 1: Foot Up: 4 Double Steps, 2 Closed Side Steps, Galley Right


Figure 2: Lichfield Capers: 4 Lichfield Capers (travel in a circle, music plays slows), 2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center, Galley Right


Figure 3: Castlering Capers: 4 Castle Ring Capers (facing North-South-East-West, music plays slows), 2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center, Galley Right

Chorus: During group B’s final Chorus, group A joins for Swingbacks + Foot Up. Replace the final Galley with 4 Plain Capers


2 Double steps diagonally forward to the left (travel on 1, 1 in place)

2 Double steps across to the other side (travel on 1, 1 in place)

2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center

4 Swingbacks, Step + Jump

Foot Up

Structure (Long Version)

This has all of the steps written out for each part.

Main Idea: Each figure and chorus is danced twice, once by each dancer. Before each figure and chorus, dancers prepare to enter with 4 Swingbacks. After each figure, dancers “leave” by walking down while the other dancer enters.

Figure 1: Foot Up: At end of once to self music (or first dancer’s foot up), 4 swingbacks. 4 Double Steps, 2 Closed Side Steps, Galley Right


Figure 2: Lichfield Capers: At end of other dancer’s part, 4 swingbacks. 4 Lichfield Capers (travel in a circle, music plays slows), 2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center, Galley Right


Figure 3: Castlering Capers: At end of other dancer’s part, 4 swingbacks. 4 Castle Ring Capers (facing North-South-East-West, music plays slows), 2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center, Galley Right

Chorus: During group B’s final Chorus, group A joins for Swingbacks + Foot Up. Replace the final Galley with 4 Plain Capers


At end of other dancer’s part, 4 swingbacks.

2 Double steps diagonally forward to the left (travel on 1, 1 in place)

2 Double steps across to the other side (travel on 1, 1 in place)

2 Closed Side Steps to Front & Center

4 Swingbacks, Step + Jump

Foot Up (4 Double Steps, 2 Closed Side Steps, Galley Right)